Icon LinkGithub Codespace

Icon LinkIntroduction

The way to think about Github Codespaces Icon Link is essentially VSCode in a browser. It’s a remote development environment that is extremely easy to spin up. While not all VSCode plugins are supported, the Sway LSP plugin is supported and works out of the box.

Icon LinkHow to set up for a new repo

  1. Create a devcontainer.json file. The easiest way is by navigating to the repo and clicking Code → … → Configure dev container

dev contaienr walktrough

  1. Edit the file to include the following features:

    "features": {
        "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:1": {},
        "ghcr.io/FuelLabs/devcontainer-features/fuelup:1.0.1": {},
  2. Add any plugins that you want to be installed for this repo under “customizations”.

    "customizations": {
        "vscode": {
            "extensions": [

    Here are examples that include the Sway LSP plugin.

    1. https://github.com/FuelLabs/sway/blob/master/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json Icon Link
    2. https://github.com/FuelLabs/quickstart/blob/master/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json Icon Link

Icon LinkHow to start a codespace

  1. Navigate to the repo that has codespaces configured.
  2. Choose Code → Create codespace on master

Create codespace walktrough

  1. This will open a new tab with your codespace. It can take several minutes to start up.
    1. You now have a fully functional remote dev environment with the fuel toolchain installed! You can use forc to build and deploy sway code, or fuelup to manage the toolchain version. You also have the Sway LSP plugin with full feature support for sway, like syntax highlighting, hover docs, go-to definition, etc.
    2. Note: if you are working on a large repository and find the codespace is running slow, you can configure it to use a larger instance by clicking Code → … → change machine type on a running instance, or starting a new instance with Code → … → New with options.

Icon LinkSuggested uses

This is a great tool for hackathons! Users can easily get started with a full development environment without having to install anything on their personal machine, which could be a barrier for people who are new to Fuel/Sway.

Icon LinkPricing & billing

For all contributors that are part of the Github organization, Codespaces is billed to Fuel. For other users, they will be required to enter billing information. There is a substantial free tier so hackathon users don’t have to worry about getting billed as long as they shut down the codespace when they’re finished using it.

Icon LinkWhat's next?

Now you are ready to start building with Fuel.

👉 Check out the quickstart guide to deploy your first smart contract.

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